A fun new lens for my Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2
TTArtisan AF 27mm f2.8 Auto Focus Lens
Limited Edition Yellow-Orange
35mm Equivalent is 41mm

Sharp, colorful, compact, fun, inexpensive, especially compared to the Fujifilm equivalent.
The orange ring is the lens hood.

APS-C AF 27mm f2.8 lens.
Not subtle. The orange thingy is a lens hood.
First image. f5.6, 1/20, ISO 1600, 27mm (41mm full-frame equivalent). Velvia Vivid film simulation.
Velvia Vivid film simulation. Overcast day here in North Florida.
FUJIFILM XF 27mm f/2.8 R WR Lens – $399.00 at B&H. Yes, the Fuji is a lot more lens, but to be quite frank, Fujifilm lenses are way too expensive to start filling my camera bag with them.
I love color!

Thanks for stopping by, Chris

Follow me on Instagram at @ccphotographyai

Comments are always welcomed, as I’ve learned quite a bit from reader feedback. As always, thanks for stopping by, and while you’re at it, feel free to visit my camera shop at http://www.ccstudio2380.com (CC Design Studios hosted by Etsy). – Chris Whelan

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